The Leadership Team at newDAY
Everything you ever wanted to know about the leadership of newDAY Edenvale - all in one useful place.
Greig and Vanessa head up the eldership team that leads newDAY. They are passionate about the church, about advancing the kingdom of God, and about people. Greig gets excited about evangelism, preaching the gospel in a relevant and impacting way, leadership development and disciple making, and riding his Harley-Davidson. Vanessa gets excited about Bible School, life courses and animals! Her passion for Bible school goes beyond the sharing of information to the life-giving impartation of the Holy Spirit. Her vision for teaching is to equip people in such a way that they are able to embrace life victoriously as they wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
- Reach Group
- Grow Group
- Overseeing Elders
- Leader Training
- ETS Bible Courses
- Discipleship
- Apostolic Ministry
- Church Planting
- Primary Preaching Role

Tom Purdy
Tom Purdy is a stand up guy. When he's not running between the office and the main church buildings making sure everything is in order. He also leads the under 30's Grow Group on Tuesday evenings. Tom is also a student - studying Theology and BCOM Business Management at Baptist Theological College and UNISA respectively.
- Serve Group
- Young Adults
- Church Operations
- Finance

Jan and Ina Bouwer
They have been members of the newDAY family for over 20 years and have been facilitating Grow Groups for most of these years. They love people dearly and have a desire to see families serving God passionately. To care for and nurture those who seek the Kingdom of God, is who they are, taking hands and walking this journey called life, together as a family.
- Shepherding
- Discipleship
- Pastoral Care

Julius and Joanne Mullinder
They have been with newDAY for 24 years  and have been on the eldership team since 2010. Jo loves encouraging and praying for people and Julius is currently involved in establishing the newDAY Bible College. Together they love to teach God’s Word. They have facilitated, along with a faithful team, the Care Ministries since 2003. They believe DivorceCare, GriefShare and Single & Parenting are incredible programmes to see hurting people healed and set free by Jesus. They have also had the privilege of being part of several newDAY church plants/transition and lead a Grow Group. Julius also leads the Senior Saints ministry.
- newDAY Bible College
- Senior Saints
- Care Ministries

Marcel & Charmain Bestel
Marcel and Charmain Bestel have fellowshipped at newDAYfor 12 years, and were ordained as a couple into eldership in 2018. Their passion lies in pastoral counselling and they facilitate and train the counselling team at the church. They feel especially called to minister to couples in crisis. Marcel leads Sunday prayer before the Sunday meetings and mentors and disciples men who need spiritual guidance. He has a sincere and deep conviction to reach the nations and has joined teams on cross border mission trips. Charmain co-ordinates the ladies ministry team and also leads a ladies’ disciple group.
- Counselling (training, marriage and individual)
- Discipleship
- Ladies Ministry (Charmain)
- Mens Ministry (Marcel)

Duane And Fontini Withers
Duane and Fontini have been married for 25 years and have been blessed with two beautiful children. They have been part of the NewDay family for 10 years and has been ordained as a couple onto eldership in 2021. They simply love the buzz and the atmosphere at church. They have led various home groups (Grow Groups) and facilitated groups over a period of 14 years and have an absolute passion for Jesus, His people and to spend time with and shepherd His people.
- Mens Ministry
- Pastoral Team
- Business Prayer
- Shepherd God's People

Brett and Erica du Plessis
Brett and Erica have being married for over 20 years and have been blessed with 3 boys. As an Eldership couple, Brett and Erica have been part of the newDAY family for over 23 years – and have been on the Eldership team since 2018 as workplace elders. Brett is passionate about the discipleship groups.
- Engage Group
- newDAY Branding
- Men's Discipleship
- Prophetic Team

Jurie and Nadine Fourie
Jurie and Nadine joined newDAY in 2015 as broken people and have seen God’s love and restoration in action in their lives. Since being restored and redeemed it has been their passion to serve the body of Christ and to build God’s Kingdom. They love serving in various areas from leading a connect group, to teaching Bible school and worship team.
Jurie and Nadine are workplace elders (not on full-time staff).

Mike and Zelda Robinson
Mike & Zelda have been married for over 20 years and are proud parents of three sons. They have been passionate members of the newDAY family since 2013, fostering a deep connection with the community. Both Michael and Zelda are passionate about helping others strengthen their relationship with Jesus and have been very involved with connect groups. In addition to their dedication to the church, they workplace elders (not on full-time staff), bringing their extensive professional experience to support and drive the vision and growth of our community.
The Leadership Team at newDAY
Everything you ever wanted to know about the leadership of newDAY Edenvale - all in one useful place.
Greig and Vanessa Garratt head up the eldership team that leads newDAY. They are passionate about the church, about advancing the kingdom of God, and very passionate about people. Greig gets excited about evangelism, leadership development and disciple making, and Vanessa gets excited about Bible School, life courses and animals!
- Reach Group
- Grow Group
- Overseeing Elders
- Leader Training
- ETS Bible Courses
- Discipleship
- Apostolic Ministry
- Church Planting
- Primary Preaching Role

Tom Purdy
Tom Purdy is a stand up guy. When he's not running between the office and the main church buildings making sure everything is in order. He also leads the under 30's Grow Group on Tuesday evenings. Tom is also a student - studying Theology and BCOM Business Management at Baptist Theological College and UNISA respectively.
- Serve Group
- Young Adults
- Church Operations
- Finance

Jan and Ina Bouwer
They have been members of the newDAY family for over 20 years and have been facilitating Grow Groups for most of these years. They love people dearly and have a desire to see families serving God passionately. To care for and nurture those who seek the Kingdom of God, is who they are, taking hands and walking this journey called life, together as a family.
- Shepherding
- Discipleship
- Pastoral Care

Julius and Joanne Mullinder
They have been with newDAY for 24 years  and have been on the eldership team since 2010. Jo loves encouraging and praying for people and Julius is currently involved in establishing the newDAY Bible College. Together they love to teach God’s Word. They have facilitated, along with a faithful team, the Care Ministries since 2003. They believe DivorceCare, GriefShare and Single & Parenting are incredible programmes to see hurting people healed and set free by Jesus. They have also had the privilege of being part of several newDAY church plants/transition and lead a Grow Group. Julius also leads the Senior Saints ministry.
- newDAY Bible College
- Senior Saints
- Care Ministries

Duane and Fontini Withers
Duane and Fontini have been married for 25 years and have been blessed with two beautiful children. They have been part of the NewDay family for 10 years and has been ordained as a couple onto eldership in 2021. They simply love the buzz and the atmosphere at church. They have led various home groups (Grow Groups) and facilitated groups over a period of 14 years and have an absolute passion for Jesus, His people and to spend time with and shepherd His people.
- Mens Ministry
- Pastoral Team
- Business Prayer
- Shepherd God's People

Marcel & Charmain Bestel
Marcel and Charmain Bestel have fellowshipped at newDAY for 12 years, and were ordained as a couple into eldership in 2018. Their passion lies in pastoral lay counselling and they facilitate and train the lay Counselling team at the church. They feel especially called to minister to couples in crisis.
- Counselling (training, marriage and individual)
- Discipleship
- Ladies Ministry (Charmain)
- Mens Ministry (Marcel)

Brett and Erica du Plessis
Brett and Erica have being married for over 20 years and have been blessed with 3 boys. As an Eldership couple, Brett and Erica have been part of the newDAY family for over 18 years – and have been on the Eldership team since 2018 as work-place elders. Brett is passionate about the discipleship groups.
- Engage Group
- newDAY Branding
- Men's Discipleship
- Prophetic Team

Tom Purdy
Tom Purdy is a stand up guy. When he's not running between the office and the main church buildings making sure everything is in order. He also leads the under 30's Grow Group on Tuesday evenings. Tom is also a student - studying Theology and BCOM Business Management at Baptist Theological College and UNISA respectively.
- Serve Group
- Young Adults
- Church Operations
- Finance

Tom Purdy
Tom Purdy is a stand up guy. When he's not running between the office and the main church buildings making sure everything is in order. He also leads the under 30's Grow Group on Tuesday evenings. Tom is also a student - studying Theology and BCOM Business Management at Baptist Theological College and UNISA respectively.
- Serve Group
- Young Adults
- Church Operations
- Finance
Training and equipping
Equipping the church with knowledge - learn more about the courses available for all

Rooted Course - Get Rooted in Christ
The rooted course is designed to help you discover what happened to you when you were born again, and what happens next as you begin a personal relationship with Jesus.
This course is recommended for all new christians who want to learn more about the faith.

Walking the Road Course
The Bible is the most incredible book ever written. It is God’s own Word to us, including His self-revelation, His plan for you and I, and instructions on how to live in the Kingdom of God. This course covers essential teachings and concepts from scripture that help us to walk the road of life as God intends.
2 Years. 4 Modules. 1 Road.
Training and equipping
Equipping the church with knowledge - learn more about the courses available for all

Rooted Course - Get Rooted in Christ
The rooted course is designed to help you discover what happened to you when you were born again, and what happens next as you begin a personal relationship with Jesus.
This course is recommended for all new christians who want to learn more about the faith.

Walking the Road Course
The Bible is the most incredible book ever written. It is God’s own Word to us, including His self-revelation, His plan for you and I, and instructions on how to live in the Kingdom of God. This course covers essential teachings and concepts from scripture that help us to walk the road of life as God intends.
2 Years. 4 Modules. 1 Road.
In this 4-session course, we will discuss the rules for the road and share some rules on navigating life successfully. How to make wise decisions to reach your ultimate destination by learning to apply God's word in your life. How to live life with fewer regrets. How to live free. How to deal with all the stuff that we pick up as we travel through life and is often churning on the inside of us. How to truly forgive.
Connect Groups (our version of "Home Cells" or "Bible Study Groups" - and previously known as "Grow Groups") meet regularly in various locations
Grow Groups (our version of "Home Cells" or "Bible Study Groups" - previously known as "Grow Groups") meet regularly in various locations